You’re missing these essential nutrients? The Amazing Benefits of Polyphenols Revealed!

You’re missing these essential nutrients? The Amazing Benefits of Polyphenols Revealed!

Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants developed by plants over millions of years to protect themselves from UV radiation and viruses. Unfortunately, the average American only consumes 200-250 mg of polyphenol per day from fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods, well below the recommended minimum of 400-500 mg.

Studies show that polyphenols can help protect our cells from free radical damage, which can contribute to the development of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. Polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and may help improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure and improving blood flow.

By supplementing under-consumed nutrients, you’ll have more energy, feel better mentally and experience fewer colds and other respiratory infections in the short term. Longer term, the added polyphenoles and essential nutrients will lower risk of most of the common chronic diseases that plague modern men and women.

A revolutionary product called Vitapod is making it easier than ever to get your daily dose of polyphenols. With up to 370 mg per drink, Vitapod offers an easy and convenient way to boost your flavonoid intake while getting hydrated.

"We have formulated these nutritionally advanced beverages to help families make good decisions that support optimal health and wellness," says Dr. David Nieman, DrPH, FASCM. "Our goal is to provide your body with essential nutrients and the daily hydration you need to feel good and function at your best."

Vitapod offers a wide range of great natural flavors and functions, making it the perfect solution for health-conscious individuals and families who want to unlock improved health. Don't miss out on the amazing benefits of polyphenols! 

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